A Simple Note Mac OS

Easy Notes is a simple note taking app for the Mac. It is easily accessible in the menu bar, and syncs your notes across all of your Macs with iCloud. Main features: - Customizable keyboard shortcut to open Easy Notes and create notes. Notational Velocity is a simple note taking app for Mac that was created around taking super fast notes without ever having to take your hands off the keyboard. With shortcuts and ways to easily start new notes and link to others, it's one of the quickest options around, once you learn the shortcuts. Best Mac note taking app for a simple, free solution Apple Notes is installed on every Mac as part of Apple's productivity suite. What began as a simple iOS note taking app has evolved into a feature-packed cross-platform note taking solution. You can capture rich text notes with formatting, in-line images, checklists, and tables.

A simple method of note taking in the Terminal 13 comments Create New Account

A new update of Simplenote for macOS is now available in the App Store! Here’s what’s new in version 1.2.0: New Look The app’s user interface has been updated to match the new design we implemented previously in the Windows and Linux apps. You’ll find a new toolbar at the top with some new buttons Continue reading Try the New macOS Beta.

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A Simple Note Mac OS
The following comments are owned by whoever posted them. This site is not responsible for what they say.
alias note 'date >> /tmp/notes.txt; cat >> /tmp/notes.txt'

Does the same thing, but without the unnecessary second copy sent to /dev/null.

Notes Application For Mac

Mr. Sharumpe

I have tried this command as shown and it does not appear to
be working, terminal accept either of the two solutions presented
here but neither is working. Might I be doing something wrong? I
tried as a normal user and root.
alias note 'date >> ~/users/topkick/ssh.txt; tee -a ~/users/
topkick/ssh.txt > /dev/null'
alias note 'date >> /tmp/notes.txt; cat >> /tmp/notes.txt'
Always do Right - This will gratify some people and astonish others ~ Mark Twain

I suppose the following:
- the folder you are writing to does exist
- permissions are ok
- you restarted Terminal.app after introducing the aliases
if so, try writing the code as one line into /usr/share/tcsh/examples/aliases
and try again.
HTH, pink

Either way, this rocks. Very, very useful, since I have terminal
open all the time, and don't always like to switch to Stickies (or
whatever) to jot something down.

This is a great tip, but is their anyway to control the
keymapping. For example - there is no way to backspace...

Set the Delete key to Del via the VT menu (control key + left
click on an xterm window) - this lets me delete text using del
rather than backspace. Also, make sure you hit return after
typing any text and before Ctl-C'ing out otherwise you lose the

Notes App For Mac

For those of us accustomed to remembering such restrictions in conjunction with Unix terminals, this tip could be handy, but I'd never bother remembering the minutiae. That's why I find it handier to go to the Services menu and choose 'TextEdit --> Open File', even if there is no file I want opened. TextEdit merely complains, but it does so after opening up a nice, blank text file for me to type in. Easy: one menu, one more menu, one item, and one click later I've got a text editor on screen.


That sounds good and all - but I don't really want to keep
XDarwin/X11 running simply to use the terminal (xterm). Just
seems a little too much for running a terminal, and especially
since copy/pasting between OSX/X11 is anything but tenuous...
yes I know there are key+cmds, but for me they never seem to
work (prob because I run X11 with Blackbox instead of quartz-

If you use Cntl-D instead, you won't risk forgetting to terminate the last line.

how do i get this so it remembers the alias. if i quit terminal or
open a new terminal window i have to reissue
alias note 'date >> /tmp/notes.txt; cat >> /tmp/notes.txt'
i just want it to remember!

Aliases defined in ~/Library/init/tcsh/aliases.mine are defined when you start new terms if you use tcsh. It uses the normal syntax for aliases. I use zsh, so I have aliases in ~/.zshrc .

A Simple Note Mac Os Download

Here is another variation. This one will work save your note up until you hit the return key. You can also edit the line(s) using cursor keys or binded keys (ctrl-a, ctrl-d, etc) . I've also added a timestamp format in the form of YYYY- MM-DD HH:MM. Each entry would appear after the time stamp. Very useful for short things, like urls, etc. The ${1} variable tell's echo to take the keyboard input of anything you type after the alias name of note, as in
% note this is a note[RETURN]
Keep in mind that you can make some pretty long notes this way.
alias note 'echo `date +'%Y%m%d %H:%M - '` ${1} >> /tmp/notes.txt'

This has become for me a roundabout method of copy/paste
between Aqua and X11. I use Apple X11 but not Quartz-qm,
instead I prefer Blackbox. Something is broken in Apple's X11
that it will not copy/paste between Aqua and Apple X11 if you
are not using Quartz-qm (and yes I know the special key cmds).
So what I have done is setup this 'notes' cmd then in X11, I
just open an XTerm and tail -f ~/Documents/notes.txt. Now if I
want to copy something to X11 - I just 'note' it and then switch
to X11 and there it is available for paste....