Keasey Gallery (v1) Mac OS
Anyhow, back to your gallery v1.0.3.its looking good with my limited testing i have done so far. It just feels very strange to me to be entering pictures downwards rather than left to right, but your numbering in the images makes that easier to follow. For all your Wii Needs. Wii Downloads Applications; Homebrew; Applications. AsimCDFS v1.1c ©1992 Asimware Innovations for Commodore Amiga OS 1.3 2.x: Audio Gallery v1.0 - Spanish ©1990 FairBrothers Inc. For Commodore Amiga: AWeb-II v3.0 ©1997 AmiTrix Development - Web Browser for Commodore Amiga: Ballistix - 1989 Psygnosis Game for Commodore Amiga: Bar Games - 1990 Accolade Game for Commodore Amiga. Themes for iBooks Author v3.2 (Mac OS X) 594 MB Themes for iBooks Author is a collection of 210 compelling templates for Apple’s new application for book creation and publishing. Browse the wide range of designs to find the perfect look, add your text and images and publish your own book to iBookstore! Mar 23, 2018 The majority of utilities out there appear to run on the command line, while some are directly integrated into your CMS installation. The logs which I collected retain attack data for 30 days, I examined recently released vulnerabilities and well-known vulnerabilities to study the most scanned for a 30 day period.
This section of the documentation is meant to explain the steps needed to perform by the maintainer of the Coppermine package each time a new package release is being made.
This page does not deal with the steps that end users need to make when a new package comes out.
Target audience
This part of the documentation is not meant for end users of Coppermine, but only for developers. There is absolutely no support for this section, it comes as-is. If you're not a member of the Coppermine dev team, then the contents of this page are not meant for you.
Subversion repository
In the first place you need to perform core actions on the subversion repository level of Coppermine. For this purpose, you need to have write access to the subversion repository, which is something you can not make up. A dev team member with project admin status needs to have granted you write access to the subversion repository that is hosted at You need to have some experience in using your subversion client before trying to accomplish the actions described here.
These steps need to be taken to package a new release.Check out
As with all subversion operations, you need to perform a checkout to make sure that your working copy of the subversion repository is up-to-date.Edit the version number
To edit the version number of the Coppermine release, you will need to edit several files:- The actual version number is being stored in the file include/, so you will need to edit that file with a plain text editor and find , where X corresponds to the current minor version count that needs to be counted up.
- The version number output of all pages of the documentation is being replaced using the JavaScript file behind each localization folder; that's why you need to loop through all language folders within the docs-folder, edit script.js, find the definition for the function cpgDocHeader and inside that definition change the localization line that corresponds to , where X stands for the minor version number.
Replace version number in all files
You need to loop through all text files (file extensions .php, .css, .js, .txt, .sql, .htm) and replace the version number in the header with the version number of the new release.
To accomplish this, you will need a tool that can batch-replace in files:Linux
On most posix-compliant operating systems (like Unix, Linux, BSD etc.) you should have all needed tools at hand already. Basically you loop through all files with a given extension, search for the string inside it and replace it. The command that can be run in a console could look like this: If you want to turn this into a shell script, don't forget the shebang at the start of the file (usually something like #!/bin/sh).Windows
On Windows-driven computers you will need an editor that is capable to replace in multiple files or a tool that is dedicated to the replacement of text in files like the freeware apps Replace in files by Emurasoft or the app MB-Search&Replace by Markus Bader. Both apps are available in English as well as in German and both don't require an installation (the executable runs out of the box, even from a USB stick or similar).
Don't commit your changes yet though; there are some more edits that need to be performed.Remove Byte Order Marks
As Coppermine is a community effort and there are many developers who have write access to the subversion repository it might happen that a Byte Order Mark (BOM) has crept into non-binary files. This happens without the developer being aware of it and shouldn't cause a lot of fuzz among the dev team, yet it can cause serious issues after the release, with the byte order mark shining through on some or all pages and especially with authentification issues, as the pre-mature start of the output (even if it's just the accidental output of the BOM) will interact with the browser's ability to receive the header and subsequently the cookie.
That's the reason why it's a good idea to scan the non-binary files (file extensions .php, .css, .js, .txt, .sql, .htm) once more for the existance of a BOM and get rid of it if present. On Windows-driven computers, the BOM usually manifests with 'funny' charcters - usually , so you should loop through all text-only files for that string and get rid of that string by replacing it with ' (nothing), using exactly the same tool used for the version number replacement above.Prepare an announcement thread
Prepare an announcement thread in advance (before you actually release) inside the dev-only sub-board of the Coppermine forum. This thread can be empty - you can fill it later, or have another dev team member fill it. You need to create it in advance in order to be able to refer to the thread from within the documentation that will ship with the release.Edit the upgrade section of the docs
Edit the upgrade section of the docs and (if you can) the other corresponding sections of the localizations of the docs. Find the table inside the section 'Reasons for package releases' there and add a table row at the top with the needed information. Take a look at the other table rows that correspond to previous release to get an idea what should go into that section. Refer to the changelog file in the root folder to figure out about the changes that went into the release that you're about to package. Don't forget to refer to the announcement thread that you have created in the previous step to make sure you can inform users about last minute changes accordingly.Edit the changelog
Add at least one line to the changelog that explains the version number change that you're about to commit. Add a line as well that mentions the release date.Commit your changes
Of course you need to commit all your changes to the subversion repository, using your subversion client.Update the versioncheck data
This is the most complicated step. It needs to be taken after having committed all other files to make sure that their revision numbers and hashes no longer are altered.
Edit the file include/cpg16x.files.xml inside your working copy of the subverion repository with a plain text file.Completeness
In this step you need to make sure that the XML file is complete. Loop through the changelog to check if all files (language files etc.) that have been added to the subversion repository since the previous release have been added to include/cpg16x.files.xml file as well. If all developers have done as suggested, there should be nothing left to do for you in this aspect. Save your changes (if any).Update revision numbers and hashes
Coppermine is storing the checksums for each file to allow the user to check that a file hasn't been tampered with. In this step, the checksums (hashes) are being calculated.- Run the versioncheck utility in your browser with the parameter ?output=create as suggested in Versioncheck → Hidden features while being logged in as admin (the URL in your browser's address bar looking like this: http://yourtestbed.tld/your_coppermine_folder/versioncheck.php?output=create. The versioncheck tool will then loop through all files specified in include/cpg16x.files.xml and re-calculate the hashes and outputs them again in XML.
- There should be a huge textarea field that contains everything you need - just select the entire field's content,
- copy to clipboard,
- go to your editor where you have include/cpg16x.files.xml opened previously,
- highlight everything in the editor window and delete the content there.
- Paste the content of the clipboard into the empty editor window that corresponds to include/cpg16x.files.xml.
- Then remove whitespace (if any) after the closing </file_data>-tag
- and finally save the changes in include/cpg16x.files.xml.
- Go back to your browser window and remove the parameter ?output=create from the address bar. Make sure not to connect to the online repository by ticking the corresponding checkbox to make sure that you're looking at the changed file. In all the three columns 'Version', 'Revision' and 'Modified' you should by now see green check icons that show everything is OK. There mustn't be any warnings in red. If this is the case, continue.
- Commit your changes applied to include/cpg16x.files.xml to the subversion repository.
Create a tag in subversion
Create a tag using your svn application. The target directory name will be the abbreviation cpg followed by the exact version number. So the target URL will be, where X represents the minor version number that you're about to tag.RapidSVN
tbcTortoise SVN
- In the left frame that represents the folder view, highlight the folder that represents the root of cpg1.6.x
- Click on the menu entry 'TortoiseSVN' - 'Branch/tag...'
- In the copy dialog, modify the 'To URL' accordingly (see above).
- Select 'HEAD revision in the repository' as source and click on the 'OK' button.
Export from subversion
By now it's time to create the actual package, so you may be tempted to just zip your local working copy of the subversion repository, but that would be a very bad idea, as both your individual config file as well as all your changes (e.g. test uploads etc.) would be residing in that copy. Additionally, a lot of garbage would reside in that copy, as subversion creates a lot of hidden files inside your local working copy.
That's why you need to perform an export from the subversion repository into a new, empty folder on your client and use that from now on. This will make sure that only the files that are meant to go into the package will actually go into your package.
How the export feature actually works depends on the subversion client you use. The list items below describe the process just for some example clients:RapidSVN
The subversion client RapidSVN is available for many platforms (Linux, Windows, Mac OS/X, Solaris, etc.) and in many languages (English, German, French, Italian, Portuguese, Russian, Ukrainian, Simplified Chinese, Japanese). The Coppermine dev team recommends it as graphical client on Linux-driven systems.- In the left frame that represents the folder view, highlight the folder that represents the root of cpg1.6.x
- Click on the menu entry 'Repository' - 'Export...'
- In the export dialog, make sure that as revision the 'Use latest' checkbox is ticked and that the 'Recursive' checkbox is ticked as well.
- As Destination directory, you need to specify a folder name that doesn't already exist within a folder that does exist. This dialog is a little bit unusual, so here's a detailed example, assuming that you're on Linux and that your user name is johndoe:
- On the export dialog, click on the button with the three dots within the 'Destination Directory' section that allows you to browse the folder structure
- In the sub-dialog that open, browse to the Desktop folder within your user's home folder, i.e. to /home/johndoe/Desktop and hit the 'OK' button. This will close the sub-dialog and populate the input field 'Destination Directory' in the export dialog with the absolute path you just selected.
- Click into this input field to put your cursor into that field to the end (right after /home/johndoe/Desktop) and type a slash, followed by the name of the sub-folder that you want to get created, e.g. cpg16x. After you did that, the input field's content now should look similar to this: /home/johndoe/Desktop/cpg16x
- After having verified that everything looks as expected, click on the 'OK' button of the export dialog.
Tortoise SVN
- In the left frame that represents the folder view, highlight the folder that represents the root of cpg1.6.x
- Click on the menu entry 'TortoiseSVN' - 'Export...'
- In the export dialog, make sure to uncheck 'Export unversioned files too' and 'Omit externals'.
- Select the destination directory and click on the 'OK' button.
Create the archive
Create an archive according to the naming conventions, using your favorite archiver (on Windows, 7-Zip is recommended). The naming convention for package releases is pretty straightforward: it's just the abbreviation cpg followed by the exact version number. Subsequently, your archive should be named, where X represents the minor version number that you're about to package. Its'mandatory to come up with a zip archive, but you can come up with additional archives as well (e.g. .7z, .tar.gz or .tar.bz2) to make things easier for users on alternative operating systems.Upload the archive
The archive(s) created in the previous step are meant to go into the download repository at You will need packager privileges on the Coppermine project pages that reside on the webspace.- Log in into your account on
- Go to the File Manager
- Expand the folder labelled 'Coppermine'
- Expand the folder labelled '1.6.x'
- Click the 'Add File' button
- Browse to your package on your client and select it for upload
- After uploading has finished click on the 'i' icon in the uploaded package's row and set it as default download for all operating systems
Publish announcement thread
Move the announcement thread from the dev-only board to the announcement board. You will need moderator capabilities on forum level.Update cpg16x.files.xml on the Coppermine home page
The xml file that contains the information about the most recent stable release needs to be uploaded to the official web space, replacing the file that clients will connect to when checking for upgrades with the one from the subversion repository (e.g. the file that corresponds to If you don't have access to the project's official webspace by FTP, ask a fellow developer to perform this task for you.Update the download button on the Coppermine home page
On our Coppermine home page you need to update the URL and title of the download link as well as updating the button image itself.Create news items
There are various news items that need to be created. They can all be filled with similar or even identical content, as they catter for different media or different ways to access the news.News item on
Create a news article on that contains a link to the announcement thread. To accomplish this, select, 'News' from the 'Develop' menu while being logged in with your account. On the news page, use the 'Submit' link to create a news item. The news item should contain a link to the announcement thread on the forum.News item on forum
Create a news item on the forum that contains a link to the announcement thread. You will need the corresponding priviledge on the forum.News item on home page
On the Coppermine home page, create a news item that contains a link to the announcement thread. Move outdated news items to the news archive.News embedded into existing galleries
To make users of existing galleries aware of the new release, edit This file is the source for the news item that is displayed for Coppermine admins on their galleries if the option Display news from is enabled.
Update the demo
Use your favorite FTP app to update the demo on the Coppermine home page. You will of course need FTP access to the corresponding web space.
Make sure not to overwrite the custom anycontent.
Keep in mind that you need to apply changes to the JavaScript file script.js inside the localizations of the docs folder - they compose the site navigation.
License: All 1 2 Free
PhotoX software provides a quickest and easiest way to watermark your Photo. Avoid unauthorized use of your Product photos, stamp your Product photos with watermark. You can add text or image watermark. For Text Watermark, you can set different font face, font size, bold, italic or underline with different color. For Image Watermark, you can pick from different formats of...
Category: Multimedia & Design / Graphics Viewers
Publisher: Evinco Solutions Limited, License: Shareware, Price: USD $49.95, File Size: 27.9 MB
Platform: Windows
ProductNet is a simple database software used to manage all the Product of your company. It will generate catalogue, Product detail sheet, booklet and brochure. The catalogue can send through email or save to CD Rom. Unlike other catalogue software, the graphical catalogue generate by ProductNet can't be changed or altered by recipients. Multi languages support. Chinese /...
Category: Business & Finance
Publisher:, License: Shareware, Price: USD $150.00, File Size: 300.8 KB
Platform: Windows, Mac
Fullscreen Showcase Gallery v1 Light is the brand new release from Oxylus Development. This is a fully resize able gallery and it supports unlimited images. Among the key features you have navigation through the pictures with left and right hit-zones for next and previous, the mouse cursor will change when an image is loading and when you navigate using the hit-zones. There is also a slick...
Category: Web Authoring / Flash Utilities
Publisher: FlashComponents, License: Shareware, Price: USD $25.00, File Size: 488.3 KB
Platform: Windows, Mac, Linux
Online Photo Pro (formerly known as EPhoto PRO) is the state-of-the-art online Photo catalog that allows you to create a professional online catalog in no time. It can be used as a Photo Gallery, Product Catalog, CD Collection, Image Database or anything you can imagine. Online Photo Pro features Auto Category & Photo Listing, Sorting, Independent...
Category: Internet
Publisher: ESOFTPRO.COM, License: Commercial, Price: USD $24.95, File Size: 313.7 KB
Platform: Windows, Mac, Linux, Palm,
SoftOrbits Digital Photo Suite Product line provides data solutions for resizing, convertion, protecting and publishing your digital photos. Includes the following products: - Batch Picture Resizer - Batch Picture Protector - Html Web Gallery Creator - Private Photo Album
Category: Audio / MP3 Search Tools
Publisher: SoftOrbits, License: Shareware, Price: USD $99.95, File Size: 13.3 MB
Platform: Windows
Flash Photo Slideshow is a flash animation creator to make Photo gallery , flash intro, flash banner, flash widget, image scroller, Photo slideshow, Product picture slideshows for website, blog, MySpace, facebook, flickr, Friendster, eBay. It enables you create gorgeous Photo flash slideshows with favorite music tracks in SWF format for watching on computer,...
Category: Multimedia & Design / Flash Tools
Publisher: Flash-Photo-Slideshow Inc., License: Shareware, Price: USD $49.95, File Size: 18.3 MB
Platform: Windows
Keasey Gallery (v1) Mac Os Version
Webbiscuits Photo Galleries lets you publish and manage your photos on your website quickest as ever before. Photo Galleries are our best selling Product for anyone looking to publish their photos on their websites with just a few mouse clicks. Simply click to browse for your photos and then upload. This is what it takes to get your hot and fresh photos up on the...
Category: Web Authoring / Scripts & CGI Tools
Publisher: Webbiscuits Software Ltd.Sti., License: Commercial, Price: USD $59.00, File Size: 2.9 MB
Platform: Windows, Mac, Linux, Unix, Other
Image database management for Windows. Our software helps you create and manage all kinds of digital image, digital Photo, and graphic catalogs. Photo Organizer's intuitive interface and ready-to-use image database management solutions make it easy to set up and use. Picture Organizer Basic: organize and maintain all your digital pictures and photos in a general form. Picture...
Category: Home & Education / Home Inventory
Publisher: PrimaSoft PC, License: Shareware, Price: USD $75.00, CAD75, File Size: 6.8 MB
Platform: Windows
Photo Hunt in Hawaii is a challenging seek-and-find game that takes you on location to the Hawaiian Islands. Each round starts with a set of 9 Photo assignments chosen at random. You navigate the islands, exploring live-action scenes in search of your assignments. When you find one, snap a Photo and drag it to the correct slot on the game board. Each matching snapshot...
Category: Audio
Publisher: Spinapse, License: Shareware, Price: USD $14.95, File Size: 23.6 MB
Platform: Windows, Mac
Photo Frame Genius is an easy-to-use Photo enhancement program.You can add stylish frame,mask, clip-art or shadow to photos in order to enhance your personal albums, Product pictures, websites or desktop wallpapers with remarkable ease. Photo Frame Genius is useful for computer painters, designers,photographer and family entertainment. Photo Frame Genius...
Category: Multimedia & Design
Publisher: Easytools,Inc, License: Shareware, Price: USD $19.95, File Size: 1.7 MB
Platform: Windows
FaceFilter Studio's enhanced Product features make digital Photo repair simple and convenient for professionals and home users alike. Unwanted facial expressions, blemishes and wrinkles are things of the past. With FaceFilter Studio, problem photos become perfect photos in 4 simple steps. Using Reallusion's 3-D muscle-based Photo morphing technology, FaceFilter enables...
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Platform: Windows
A picture is not complete without a frame. You can have a cute snapshot or a whole gallery of family pictures to email or show on a Web site, but will they impress the viewer? Have a look at portfolio sites of renowned family and wedding photographers. All of their pictures are carefully framed and signed, and all of them impress the viewer. Sure the frame won't make a bad picture look good,...
Category: Multimedia & Design / Image Editing
Publisher: AMS Software, License: Shareware, Price: USD $29.00, File Size: 4.0 MB
Platform: Windows
Photo Collage Maker is a digital scrapbooking and Photo collage software. It allows you to create and print scrapbook layouts quickly and easily. Over 100 original templates let you create a professionally-looking collage in minutes. Just select a template, add photos, arrange them on the page and enhance with frames, clipart, special effects and text captions. Templates are...
Category: Multimedia & Design / Image Editing
Publisher: AMS Software, License: Shareware, Price: USD $29.00, File Size: 74.0 MB
Platform: Windows
Photo Editor Max is a professional quality image editor and viewer program for Windows. Open your Photo, edit in several ways, apply effects and save. You can also capture any part of your computer screen and edit it to enhance communication and share easily. Product Highlights : Open your photos: Image editing with Photo Editor Max is easy as 1-2-3. Just...
Keasey Gallery (v1) Mac Os Catalina
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Publisher: Belltech Systems, License: Shareware, Price: USD $29.95, EUR39, File Size: 2.8 MB
Platform: Windows
I recently found a new Product from, a software company. The new Product names, Vista Photo Gallery and it helps users to create attractive galleries of photos and put them online. Vista Photo Gallery is the first software that creates AJAX-powered web image galleries without the need for server-side setup. This means you just upload files...
Category: Web Authoring / HTML Conversion Tools
Publisher:, License: Shareware, Price: USD $25.00, File Size: 1.8 MB
Platform: Windows
Finally, a handy Photo tool that will allow you to caption your photos with really cool effects! Apply outlines, gradient fills and shadows to any caption. You can rotate or flip your captions, adjust their transparency and even how they appear over other objects in the picture. Frame them with stylish panels and lines/arrows too. Liven up your pictures with your own clipart! Within your...
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Publisher: Lincoln Beach Software, License: Shareware, Price: USD $14.99, File Size: 3.9 MB
Platform: Windows
PageCarrier Photo is a complete website design software for all photographers, artists and other creative people who want to present and sell their works via Internet. It is extremely easy to manage via simple copy commands. The website is fully functional and works directly after initial installation. It can be hosted even on your home or company's Windows PC or at a hosting company....
Category: Web Authoring / Web Design Utilities
Publisher: Modulary Solutions Corp., License: Shareware, Price: USD $79.95, File Size: 8.1 MB
Platform: Windows

Keasey Gallery (v1) Mac Os Pro
Simplify your digital picture processing and catalogue your images with Artensoft Photo Editor! The new picture editor provides viewing, batch conversion, image adjustment and image editing features in a shell that is simple, easy, and straightforward. Artensoft Photo Editor simplifies your digital workflow by offering you a full-screen Photo viewer, a comprehensive...
Category: Multimedia & Design / Image Editing
Publisher: Artensoft, License: Shareware, Price: USD $49.95, EUR39.95, File Size: 14.6 MB
Platform: Windows
Simple Way to Organize Photos. Your pictures will be perfectly sorted and ready for easy access at any time if you use Digital Photo Organizer. The user-friendly interface of the program ensures quick results and safe Photo processing. Want to Sort And Rename Photos? Digital Photo Organizer solves this problem allowing you to: - automatically sort photos; -...
Category: Multimedia & Design / Media Management
Publisher: Alexander G. Styopkin, License: Shareware, Price: USD $19.95, File Size: 1.1 MB
Platform: Windows
The Photo manager is intended for a wide audience - for all people owning cameras and mobile phones with cameras. Automates routine operations - automatically sorts and in large quantities renames photos. 1. The Product is intended for a wide audience - for all people owning cameras and mobile phones with cameras. 2. Automates routine operations - automatically sorts and in...
Category: Multimedia & Design / Media Management
Publisher: Alexander G. Styopkin, License: Shareware, Price: USD $19.95, File Size: 1009.7 KB
Platform: Windows
Photo EXIF Manager Photo EXIF Manager lets you read and edit EXIF tags of many popular cameras. Photo EXIF Manager lets you view and edit most well-known digital Photo EXIF tags. The edit capability extends to the more recent GPS tags too. All tags are listed in a table and grouped into three main groups Image, Camera, and GPS. EXIF 2.3 standard tags are...
Category: Multimedia & Design / Digital Media Editors
Publisher: MIKLSOFT, License: Shareware, Price: USD $19.99, EUR17.99, File Size: 792.0 KB
Platform: Windows
FaceFilter Studio's enhanced Product features make digital Photo repair simple and convenient for professionals and home users alike. Unwanted facial expressions, blemishes and wrinkles are things of the past. With FaceFilter Studio, problem photos become perfect photos in 4 simple steps. Using Reallusion's 3-D muscle-based Photo morphing technology, FaceFilter enables...
Category: Multimedia & Design / Image Editing
Publisher: Reallusion Inc., License: Shareware, Price: USD $59.95, File Size: 10.7 MB
Platform: Windows
SoftOrbits Digital Photo Suite Product line provides data solutions for resizing, convertion, protecting and publishing your digital photos. Easy and user-friendly image resize, converting, rotating and watermarking tool.Powerful and easy-to-use batch image protecting and watermarking tool.
Category: Multimedia & Design / Media Management
Publisher: SoftOrbits Inc, License: Shareware, Price: USD $139.65, File Size: 13.3 MB
Platform: Windows
Anything3D development team is happy to introduce our Product - 3D Photo Builder. This new universal software is produced for processing and creating 3D Images and 3D Panoramas. 3D Photo Builder is extremely easy and quick way of processing pictures into 360/Partial 3D Panorama. This software chooses the right edges of first and the next picture finding the common points of...
Category: Multimedia & Design / Multimedia App's
Publisher: Anything3D Corp., License: Shareware, Price: USD $109.95, File Size: 22.6 MB
Platform: Windows
Photo Background Remover helps to clear digital shots from unwanted background. This feature is highly popular among amateur photographers who need to extract a specific object from a shot to put it into some composition. Also background removal is often used in online graphic content. Thanks to batch image files processing, Photo Background Remover can significantly speed up...
Category: Multimedia & Design / Image Editing
Publisher: SoftOrbits, License: Shareware, Price: USD $49.99, File Size: 5.4 MB
Platform: Windows